Thursday, December 29, 2011
From the Macedonian Knot
The German ambassador in Vienna, von Tschirschky, revealed in his report from November, 1914 an interesting suggestion of the former Turkish governor of Macedonia: „In relation on the still hesitating posture of Bulgaria which counts in any case, also without active participation after ending of the war " [ in the meantime, the 1-st world broken out] „ to find it’s profit in Macedonia, Hilmi Pasha expressed towards me, that there is a very good way out to spoil this business for the Bulgarians.One should give Bulgaria on the Peace Conference only the smallest,exclusively from Bulgarians inhabited part of Macedonia,from the actual Macedonia,however,to make an independent state. This with approx. two million inhabitants would hold the scales with Albania. Greece will not oppose this solution if it is proposed by the winners with the conclusion of the Peace Conference, especially if one leaves to them the possession of the city area of Salonika. The Greeks would thereby have also the other advantage, not to border directly with Bulgaria , but to have a buffer State between them"...
Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Tuesday, December 27, 2011
Greeks did not had any problems with the Name Macedonian back in the 80's
Greece did not have any problem with the name Macedonia in before the nineties and the independency of the Republic of Macedonia. As seen in official Greek governmental documents 1988 untill 1991. The documents are diplomatic anouncements between Greece and the then Socialist Republic of Macedonia in which is described that the general Greek consul in Macedonia has been changed.
On the documents it is clearly visible that official Athens did not have any problem with the name Macedonia.
Slaveikov on the Makedonists
Even the leader of the Bulgarian national revival in Constantinople, Petko Slavejkov, in early January 1871 publicly admitted that he had heard this ideology “as early as some ten years ago from some people in Macedonia”, which had now grown into “a thought that many would like to put into effect”. He confirmed that he had “many times” heard from “the Macedonists that they were not Bulgarians but Macedonians, descendants of ancient Macedonia.They are complete Macedonians¼ they are pure Slavs, and the Bulgarians are Tartars and who knows what”. These “Macedonists” boldly declared before him: “We broke off from the Greeks, should we now fall under others?”
Page first of Petko Slaveykov's article "The Macedonian question" published 18 January 1871, in which he mentions that some people from Macedonia declare themselves as separate people - Macedonians,different from Bulgarians. Those people he refers to as "Macedonists"
„Македонискија Голос", 1913 г.
Во време на турското господство македонските Словени за сето време не престанува да водат свесна и упорна борба, отпрвин за својата независност, а откако конечно биле покорени од Турците, за своето ослободување од турскиот јарем. Тие кревале многубројни востанија, често ги поразувале Турците,но, се разбира, на крајот од краиштата, востанијата секогаш биле задушувани во потоци од македонска крв.Тие земале учество и во ослободителната борба на своите соседи - Србите, Грците и Бугарите - чијашто слобода била извојувана со усилбите и сопомошта и од Македонците. Така, во време на Руско-турската војна 1877-78 г. 2/3 оддоброволците од балканските Словени биле Македонци. Имињата на ЃорѓиПулевски, Стојан Везенковски, Попот Буфски и на цела плејада други што зелеучество во херојската борба на крстот, со полумесецот, многу им зборуваа, а и сегауште им зборуваат, на срцата на Јужните Словени. И ако Македонија, и по за неа несреќниот Берлински конгрес мораше да остане под господството на Турците,тоа е само затоа што таа се наоѓаше поблиску од сите други Словени до административните центри на Отоманската империја, како што е Цариград, Одрин, Солун, Македонија можеше да се ослободи само заедно со конечното пропаѓање на Турција во Европа.Берлинскиот конгрес кој го предаде македонскиот народ во жртва на одмаздата наразбиените Турци, кои знаеја каква улога игра македонските одреди во за нив несреќната војна, предизвика експлозија на очајот и негодување по цела Македонија. Целиот народ, како еден човек, се крена и започна несрамна борба против Турците за своето ослободување. Востанието траеше повеќе од една година и заврши, се разбира, со победа на озлобените Турци, кои најпосле, ја разурнаа таа несреќна земја. Многу села, па дури и градови, беа изгорени, многу народ беше исклан, амакедонската интелигенција беше делум истребена, делум најде спас во бегството во слободните држави.Без оглед на ваквото крваво задушување на востанието, ослободителната идеја не ги напушти Македонците. Сите 35 години, колку што изминаа од Берлинскиот конгрес, па се до сегашната војна, се една крвава страница на непрекинатаги-гантска борба на македонскиот народ за своето ослободување.Стотици илјади жртви што тој ги принесе на олтарот на татковината го искупија правото на Македонија на слобода...Само за едно петлетје - од 1898 до 1903 година - имаше повеќе од 400 судири меѓу Македонците и Турците.Упорната востаничка борба против Турците се раководеше од таканаречената Внатрешна организација, која во текот на 10 години (до познатото востание во 1903 година), изврши чудесно дело: дотогаш неорганизираните, проникнати само со духна протест и востание, елементи таа ги претвори во дисциплинирана силна војска, која беше во состојба да им дава отпор на насилниците. Највидните дејци на таа организација беа Гоце Делчев и Дамјан Груев. „Македонски глас", Институт за национална историја
La Macedoine et Les Macedoniens
Edmond Bouchie De Belle
"La Macedoine Et Les Macedoniens"
Librarie Armand Colin
103, Boulevard Saint-Michel, Paris
Les noms "la Macédoine" et "les Macédoniens" existent pendant des siècles mais ils ont été souvent reniés et la lutte relative à la légitimité du territoire de la Macédoine est liée à ces noms. La nation macédonienne est formée dans le cadre du territoire géographique-historiquie de la Macédoine au cours d’un processus de développement permanent (tribu, peuple, nation) et elle a acquis la légitimité envers le territoire de la Macédoine en devenant héritier de toutes les traditions et de valeurs historiques et de culture autochtones sous le nom de la Macédoine pendant des siècles, comme son nom légitime du point de vue ethnique et historique. L’existence de la nation macédonienne a toujours inquiété les États voisins (la Grèce, la Bulgarie, la Serbie et l’Albanie) qui s’unissaient dans leur politique de non-reconnaissance de l’existence de la nation, de la langue et de l’État macédoniens. Surtout après le partage de la Macédoine en 1913 et en 1919, ils s’efforcent à dénationaliser le peuple macédonien qui s’oppose énergiquement dans toutes les parties
de la Macédoine sous le régime étranger et combat pour la liberté nationale et son propre État. Dirigé par les organisations nationales et le mouvement communiste, il se bat en même temps pour le nom macédonien national et d’État.
Après la formation de l’État fédéral macédonien en 1944, pour la première fois au cours de l’histoire récente de la Macédoine, le nom historique "la Macédoine" - "les Macédoniens" devient officiel. Après la Deuxième guerre mondiale commence le processus de la promotion et de l’affirmation internationales de l’État, de la langue et de la culture macédoniens. En 1944, la Serbie reconnait la nation et l’État macédoniens. Ce fait est re-confirmé par l’Accord de 1996 par lequel elle reconnait la R. de Macédoine sour son nom constitutionnel.
A l’exception de la période 1944-1948, la Bulgarie renie ontinuellement la nation et la langue macédoniennes bien qu’en 1991, elle reconnaît l’indépendance de la R. de Macédoine. Bien que la Grèce reconnaît la Macédoine comme État dans le cadre de la RSF de Yougoslavie, depuis 1991, elle conteste le nom de
la République de Macédoine avec la tendance de rénier aussi l’identité et la légitimitié de la nation et de la langue macédoniennes. Par l’Accord provisoire de 1995, la Grèce reconnait l’indépendance de la R. de Macédoine et son intégrité territoriale.
Au cours du processus de l’acquisition de l’indépendance et de la reconnaissance internationale de la République de Macédoine, l’État, la nation, la langue et la culture macédoniens sont complètement affirmés. La reconnaisssance de la République de Macédoine par un grand nombre de pays représente le triomphe
de la vérité historique et de la justice, la confirmation de la légitimité historique et de la continuité de la nation et de l’État macédoniens. La politique pacifique et la coopération active de la R. de Macédoine avec ses
voisins et autres pays, sa détermination d’appliquer des standards internationaux sont la meilleure voie vers sa prosperité ultérieure et pour surmonter les récidives du passé.
За автентичноста на Македонците во почетокот на XX век говори и сведоштвото на Французинот Едмон Бушје Де Бел кој престојувал на овие простори и имал прилика од непосредна близина да ги следи состојбите во овој бурен период од историјата на Блаканот. Овој известувач и патеписец во склоп на Француските трупи престојувал на територијата на Македонија повеќе години минувајќи по нејзините патишта и предели - Острово, Лерин, Солун, Битола, Прилеп за да заврши во Скопје каде и трагично умира во октомври 1918 година. За Македонците тој ќе рече:
“Тоа е “оспорувана раса“ која себеси не се поистоветува ниту со Бугарите, ниту со Србите“ а за “Македонското прашање“ ќе рече: “Македонскиот проблем не постои ниту од денес, ниту од вчера. Македонија и Македонците зад себе имаат долго минато, но тие нема да престанат да ја загрижуваат Европа.“.
Гледано низ призмата на тој даден момент, Едмон Бушје Де Бел вака ги оценува изгледите на Македонија и Македонците : “ Ако Македонија остане таква какви што е сега, затворено поле, но отворено за натпреварување на трите соседни раси: грчката, српската, бугарската, последната неизбежно ќе победи. Бугаризмот е најопасен по Македонското население.“ Еве како овој Французин ја доживеал и посведочил “Македонската голгота“ предизвикана од налетот на анти-макеоднските пропаганди на соседните држави наведувајќи ги нивнитеглавни “аргументи“ со кои се борат за присвојување на овој народ (ова е цитат насловен - “Македонската народност“ од неговата книга со белешки):
“Во сите рамнини на Македонија живеат селани што зборуваат словенско наречје, со грчка православна вера и која главно има етнички надворешен изглед вообичаен за словенските народи“.
Тие несреќни суштества имаат ни малку завидлива привилегија на нив да полагаат право дури три различни народности.
- “Македонците, велет бугарите, се бугари. Тие го имаат нашиот јазик и срце. Во Големата Бугарија, производ на Санстеганскиот договор, живеат сите христијани од Европска Турција. Под бугарско име, жртвите на Берлинскиот договор се бореле против Турскиот јарем.“
- “Македонците се Срби, одговара исто така распален глас. Царството на Душан Велики ја опфаќало целата Македонија. Српското име се споменува во книжевноста и на спомениците што ја преживеале турската влас.Македонскиот јазик не е бугарски како што тврдат незналиците со лоши намери,тој е старо српски, заостанат српски јазик. Дали впрочем сте виделе некогаш дека Бугарите празнуваат слава? А Македонците тоа го прават.“
- “И ете ги Грците кои изјавуваат дека Македонците, ако не се со хеленско потекло и јазик, барем нивната култура е хелинизирана, “Народноста не ја создава крвта, туку духот“- велат тие. Словенските варвари што јанаселуваат Македонија,ги организирала и воспитала Грчката империја, а грчката црква ги преобратила.За нив може да се каже дека се грци како што се вели за Французите дека се Латини.“Но, добронамерниот набљудувач ќе оди подалеку од овие пристрасни тврдења.Тој лесно ќе констатира дека - ако Македонецот многу им е сличен на балканските Словени, тој нема потполно ништо хеленско. Уште повеќе, ако во извесни обичаи,
вероисповеста и јазикот личи на Бугаринот, во другите е сличен на Србинот а не се идентификува сосем ниту со едниот ниту со другиот. Впрочем, тоа што некого го прави Бугарин, Србин или Грк, тоа е - повеќе од етничката или јазичната особеност - свест дека има своја националност и дека учествува во организиран национален живот. Значи дека народот за кој станува збор јасно се разликува од трите други во тоа што ниту има национална свест ниту национален живот идентичен на останатите три народи. Прашајте го селанецот од околината на Острово или на Битола, што е. Вo 90% од случаите ќе ви одговори : “МАКЕДОН“.
Затоа добронамерниот набљудувач ќе го определува одделно ова население на кое,изгледа, најдобро би му одговарало просто името - “Македонци“.“
Edmound Bouchie De Belle "La Macedoine et Les Macedoniens" Paris, 1922
Monday, December 26, 2011
Saturday, December 24, 2011
Some Quotes on Macedonia and Greece
The internal dissensions of Greece produced their natural fruits; and we shall have now to relate the downfall of her independence and her subjugation by a foreign power.This power was Macedonia,and obscure state to the north of Thessaly ,hitherto overlooked and despised, and considered as altogether barbarous,and without the pale of Grecian civilization. But though the Macedonian were not Greeks,their sovereigns claimed to be descended from an Hellenic race, namely, that of Temenus of Argos; and it is said that Alexander I. proved his Argive descent
previously to contending at the Olympic games. Perdiccas is commonly regarded as the founder of the monarchy; of the history of which, however, little is known till the reign of Amyntas I.,his fifth successor, who was contemporary with the Pisistratidae at Athens. Under Amyntas, who submitted to the satrap Megabyzus,
Macedonia became subject to Persia, and remained so till after the battle of Plataea. The reigns of the succeeding sovereigns present little that is remarkable, with the exception of that of Archelaus (B.C. 413). This monarch transferred his residence from AEgae to Pella, which thus became the capital. He entertained many literary men at his court, such as Euripides,who ended his days at Pella. Archelaus was assassinated in B.C.399, and the crown devolved upon Amyntas II., a representative of the ancient line. Amyntas left three sons, the youngest being the celebrated Philip, of whom we have now to speak."
"After defeating the Illyrians he established a standing army, in which discipline was preserved by the severest
punishments. He introduced the far-famed Macedonian phalanx, which was 16 men deep, armed with long projecting spears.
Philip's views were first turned towards the eastern frontiers of his dominions, where his interests clashed with those of the Athenians. A few years before the Athenians had made various unavailing attempts to obtain possession of Amphipolis, once the jewel of their empire, but which they had never recovered since
its capture by Brasidas in the eighth year of the Peloponnesian war. Its situation at the mouth of the Strymon rendered it also valuable to Macedonia, not only as a commercial port, but as opening a passage into Thrace."
"Philip now crossed the Strymon, on the left bank of which lay Pangaeus, a range of mountains abounding in gold-mines. He conquered the district, and founded there a new town called Philippi, on the site of the ancient Thracian town of Crenides.By improved methods of working the mines he made them yield an annual revenue of 1000 talents, nearly 250,000l."
"The battle of Chaeronea crushed the liberties of Greece,and made it in reality a province of the Macedonian monarchy."
"On succeeding to the throne Alexander announced his intention of prosecuting his father's expedition into Asia; but it was first necessary for him to settle the affairs of Greece, where the news of Philip's assassination, and the accession of so young a prince, had excited in several states a hope of shaking off the Macedonian yoke.Athens was the centre of these movements. Demosthenes, although in mourning for the recent loss of an only daughter, now came abroad dressed in white, and crowned with a chaplet, in which attire he was seen sacrificing at one of the public altars. He also moved a decree that Philip's death should be celebrated by a public thanksgiving, and that religious honours should be paid to the memory of Pausanias. At the same time he made vigorous preparations for action. He despatched envoys to the principal Grecian states for the purpose of inciting them against Macedon. Sparta, and the whole Peloponnesus, with the exception of Megalopolis and Messenia, seemed inclined to shake off their compulsory alliance. Even the Thebans rose against the dominant oligarchy, although the Cadmea was in the hands of the Macedonians."
The internal dissensions of Greece produced their natural fruits; and we shall have now to relate the downfall of her independence and her subjugation by a foreign power.This power was Macedonia,and obscure state to the north of Thessaly ,hitherto overlooked and despised, and considered as altogether barbarous,and without the pale of Grecian civilization. But though the Macedonian were not Greeks,their sovereigns claimed to be descended from an Hellenic race, namely, that of Temenus of Argos; and it is said that Alexander I. proved his Argive descent
previously to contending at the Olympic games. Perdiccas is commonly regarded as the founder of the monarchy; of the history of which, however, little is known till the reign of Amyntas I.,his fifth successor, who was contemporary with the Pisistratidae at Athens. Under Amyntas, who submitted to the satrap Megabyzus,
Macedonia became subject to Persia, and remained so till after the battle of Plataea. The reigns of the succeeding sovereigns present little that is remarkable, with the exception of that of Archelaus (B.C. 413). This monarch transferred his residence from AEgae to Pella, which thus became the capital. He entertained many literary men at his court, such as Euripides,who ended his days at Pella. Archelaus was assassinated in B.C.399, and the crown devolved upon Amyntas II., a representative of the ancient line. Amyntas left three sons, the youngest being the celebrated Philip, of whom we have now to speak."
"After defeating the Illyrians he established a standing army, in which discipline was preserved by the severest
punishments. He introduced the far-famed Macedonian phalanx, which was 16 men deep, armed with long projecting spears.
Philip's views were first turned towards the eastern frontiers of his dominions, where his interests clashed with those of the Athenians. A few years before the Athenians had made various unavailing attempts to obtain possession of Amphipolis, once the jewel of their empire, but which they had never recovered since
its capture by Brasidas in the eighth year of the Peloponnesian war. Its situation at the mouth of the Strymon rendered it also valuable to Macedonia, not only as a commercial port, but as opening a passage into Thrace."
"Philip now crossed the Strymon, on the left bank of which lay Pangaeus, a range of mountains abounding in gold-mines. He conquered the district, and founded there a new town called Philippi, on the site of the ancient Thracian town of Crenides.By improved methods of working the mines he made them yield an annual revenue of 1000 talents, nearly 250,000l."
"The battle of Chaeronea crushed the liberties of Greece,and made it in reality a province of the Macedonian monarchy."
"On succeeding to the throne Alexander announced his intention of prosecuting his father's expedition into Asia; but it was first necessary for him to settle the affairs of Greece, where the news of Philip's assassination, and the accession of so young a prince, had excited in several states a hope of shaking off the Macedonian yoke.Athens was the centre of these movements. Demosthenes, although in mourning for the recent loss of an only daughter, now came abroad dressed in white, and crowned with a chaplet, in which attire he was seen sacrificing at one of the public altars. He also moved a decree that Philip's death should be celebrated by a public thanksgiving, and that religious honours should be paid to the memory of Pausanias. At the same time he made vigorous preparations for action. He despatched envoys to the principal Grecian states for the purpose of inciting them against Macedon. Sparta, and the whole Peloponnesus, with the exception of Megalopolis and Messenia, seemed inclined to shake off their compulsory alliance. Even the Thebans rose against the dominant oligarchy, although the Cadmea was in the hands of the Macedonians."
Some Quotes on Macedonia and Greece
A Smaller history of Greece
Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893
Greece is the southern portion of a great peninsula of Europe, washed on three sides by the Mediterranean Sea. It is bounded on the north by the Cambunian mountains, which separate it from Macedonia. It extends from the fortieth degree of latitude to the thirty-sixth, its greatest length being not more than 250
English miles, and its greatest breadth only 180. Its surface is considerably less than that of Portugal. This small area was divided among a number of independent states, many of them
containing a territory of only a few square miles, and none of them larger than an English county. But the heroism and genius of the Greeks have given an interest to the insignificant spot of earth bearing their name, which the vastest empires have never equaled.
The name of Greece was not used by the inhabitants of the country. They called their land HELLAS, and themselves HELLENES. At first the word HELLAS signified only a small district in Thessaly, from which the Hellenes gradually spread over the whole country. The names of GREECE and GREEKS come to us from the Romans, who gave the name of GRAECIA to the country and of GRAECI to the inhabitants."
"All the Greeks were descended from the same ancestor and spoke the same language. They all described men and cities which were not Grecian by the term BARBARIAN. This word has passed into our
own language, but with a very different idea; for the Greeks applied it indiscriminately to every foreigner, to the civilized inhabitants of Egypt and Persia, as well as to the rude tribes ofScythia and Gaul."
"The Grecian colonies may be arranged in four groups:
1. Those founded in Asia Minor and the adjoining islands;
2. Those in the western parts of the Mediterranean, in Italy, Sicily, Gaul, and Spain;
3. Those in Africa;
4. Those in Epirus, Macedonia, and Thrace."
"The colonies in Macedonia and Thrace were very numerous, and extended all along the coast of the AEgean, of the Hellespont, of the Propontis, and of the Euxine, from the borders of Thessaly to
the mouth of the Danube. Of these we can only glance at the most important. The colonies on the coast of Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea; and the peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their settlements, and derived its name from the former city. The Corinthians likewise planted a few colonies on this coast, of which Potidaea, on the narrow isthmus of Pallene, most deserves mention.
Of the colonies in Thrace, the most flourishing were Selymbria and Byzantium, both founded by the Megarians, who appear as an enterprising maritime people at an early period."
"The power of Sparta on land had now attained its greatest height.Her unpopularity in Greece was commensurate with the extent of her harshly administered dominion. She was leagued on all slides
with the enemies of Grecian freedom--with the Persians, with Amyntas of Macedon, and with Dionysius of Syracuse. But she had now reached the turning-point of her fortunes, and her successes, which had been earned without scruple, were soon to be followed by misfortunes and disgrace. The first blow came from Thebes, where she had perpetrated her most signal injustice."
Smith, William, Sir, 1813-1893
Greece is the southern portion of a great peninsula of Europe, washed on three sides by the Mediterranean Sea. It is bounded on the north by the Cambunian mountains, which separate it from Macedonia. It extends from the fortieth degree of latitude to the thirty-sixth, its greatest length being not more than 250
English miles, and its greatest breadth only 180. Its surface is considerably less than that of Portugal. This small area was divided among a number of independent states, many of them
containing a territory of only a few square miles, and none of them larger than an English county. But the heroism and genius of the Greeks have given an interest to the insignificant spot of earth bearing their name, which the vastest empires have never equaled.
The name of Greece was not used by the inhabitants of the country. They called their land HELLAS, and themselves HELLENES. At first the word HELLAS signified only a small district in Thessaly, from which the Hellenes gradually spread over the whole country. The names of GREECE and GREEKS come to us from the Romans, who gave the name of GRAECIA to the country and of GRAECI to the inhabitants."
"All the Greeks were descended from the same ancestor and spoke the same language. They all described men and cities which were not Grecian by the term BARBARIAN. This word has passed into our
own language, but with a very different idea; for the Greeks applied it indiscriminately to every foreigner, to the civilized inhabitants of Egypt and Persia, as well as to the rude tribes ofScythia and Gaul."
"The Grecian colonies may be arranged in four groups:
1. Those founded in Asia Minor and the adjoining islands;
2. Those in the western parts of the Mediterranean, in Italy, Sicily, Gaul, and Spain;
3. Those in Africa;
4. Those in Epirus, Macedonia, and Thrace."
"The colonies in Macedonia and Thrace were very numerous, and extended all along the coast of the AEgean, of the Hellespont, of the Propontis, and of the Euxine, from the borders of Thessaly to
the mouth of the Danube. Of these we can only glance at the most important. The colonies on the coast of Macedonia were chiefly founded by Chalcis and Eretria in Euboea; and the peninsula of
Chalcidice, with its three projecting headlands, was covered with their settlements, and derived its name from the former city. The Corinthians likewise planted a few colonies on this coast, of which Potidaea, on the narrow isthmus of Pallene, most deserves mention.
Of the colonies in Thrace, the most flourishing were Selymbria and Byzantium, both founded by the Megarians, who appear as an enterprising maritime people at an early period."
"The power of Sparta on land had now attained its greatest height.Her unpopularity in Greece was commensurate with the extent of her harshly administered dominion. She was leagued on all slides
with the enemies of Grecian freedom--with the Persians, with Amyntas of Macedon, and with Dionysius of Syracuse. But she had now reached the turning-point of her fortunes, and her successes, which had been earned without scruple, were soon to be followed by misfortunes and disgrace. The first blow came from Thebes, where she had perpetrated her most signal injustice."
Some Quotes on Macedonia and Greece
The History of Rome, Book III
From the Union of Italy to the Subjugation of Carthage and the Greek States
Dickson, William P. (William Purdie), 1823-1901
Rome Heads a Greek Coalition against Macedonia
Nor was Philip the first to renew the hostilities. The fall of Tarentum (542), by which Hannibal acquired an excellent port on thecoast which was the most convenient for the landing of a Macedonian army, induced the Romans to parry the blow from a distance and to give
the Macedonians so much employment at home that they could not think of an attempt on Italy. The national enthusiasm in Greece had of course evaporated long ago. With the help of the old antagonism to Macedonia, and of the fresh acts of imprudence and injustice of which Philip had been guilty, the Roman admiral Laevinus found no difficulty in organizing against Macedonia a coalition of the intermediate and
minor powers under the protectorate of Rome. It was headed by the Aetolians, at whose diet Laevinus had personally appeared and had gained its support by a promise of the Acarnanian territory which the Aetolians had long coveted. They concluded with Rome a modest
agreement to rob the other Greeks of men and land on the joint account, so that the land should belong to the Aetolians, the men and moveables to the Romans. They were joined by the states of anti- Macedonian, or rather primarily of anti-Achaean, tendencies in Greece proper; in Attica by Athens, in the Peloponnesus by Elis and Messene and especially by Sparta, the antiquated constitution of which had been just about this time overthrown by a daring soldier Machanidas,
in order that he might himself exercise despotic power under the name of king Pelops, a minor, and might establish a government of adventurers sustained by bands of mercenaries. The coalition was joined moreover by those constant antagonists of Macedonia, the
chieftains of the half-barbarous Thracian and Illyrian tribes, and lastly by Attalus king of Pergamus, who followed out his own interest with sagacity and energy amidst the ruin of the two great Greek states which surrounded him, and had the acuteness even now to attach himself as a client to Rome when his assistance was still of some value.
From the Union of Italy to the Subjugation of Carthage and the Greek States
Dickson, William P. (William Purdie), 1823-1901
Chapter X The Third Macedonian War Dissatisfactions of Philip with Rome Philip of Macedonia was greatly annoyed by the treatment which he met with from the Romans after the peace with Antiochus; and the subsequent course of events was not fitted to appease his wrath. His neighbours in Greece and Thrace, mostly communities that had once trembled at the Macedonian name not less than now they trembled at the Roman, made it their business, as was natural, to retaliate on the fallen great power for all the injuries which since the times of Philip the Second they had received at the hands of Macedonia. The empty arrogance and venal anti-Macedonian patriotism of the Hellenes of this period found vent at the diets of the different confederacies and in ceaseless complaints addressed to the Roman senate. |
Rome Heads a Greek Coalition against Macedonia
Nor was Philip the first to renew the hostilities. The fall of Tarentum (542), by which Hannibal acquired an excellent port on thecoast which was the most convenient for the landing of a Macedonian army, induced the Romans to parry the blow from a distance and to give
the Macedonians so much employment at home that they could not think of an attempt on Italy. The national enthusiasm in Greece had of course evaporated long ago. With the help of the old antagonism to Macedonia, and of the fresh acts of imprudence and injustice of which Philip had been guilty, the Roman admiral Laevinus found no difficulty in organizing against Macedonia a coalition of the intermediate and
minor powers under the protectorate of Rome. It was headed by the Aetolians, at whose diet Laevinus had personally appeared and had gained its support by a promise of the Acarnanian territory which the Aetolians had long coveted. They concluded with Rome a modest
agreement to rob the other Greeks of men and land on the joint account, so that the land should belong to the Aetolians, the men and moveables to the Romans. They were joined by the states of anti- Macedonian, or rather primarily of anti-Achaean, tendencies in Greece proper; in Attica by Athens, in the Peloponnesus by Elis and Messene and especially by Sparta, the antiquated constitution of which had been just about this time overthrown by a daring soldier Machanidas,
in order that he might himself exercise despotic power under the name of king Pelops, a minor, and might establish a government of adventurers sustained by bands of mercenaries. The coalition was joined moreover by those constant antagonists of Macedonia, the
chieftains of the half-barbarous Thracian and Illyrian tribes, and lastly by Attalus king of Pergamus, who followed out his own interest with sagacity and energy amidst the ruin of the two great Greek states which surrounded him, and had the acuteness even now to attach himself as a client to Rome when his assistance was still of some value.
Monday, December 19, 2011
The Handy History Answer Book
Превод на потцртаното:
"Додека грчките градови-држави беа во период на опаѓање, растеше моќта на МАКЕДОНИЈА, северниот сосед на Грција. Во 353 год. п.н.е. МАКЕДОНСКИОТ крал Филип Втори (382-336 п.н.е.) отпочна напад врз Грција."
Превод на потцртаното:
"Војната што резултираше не се заврши до 338 год. п.н.е. (2 Август-ИЛИНДЕН кај Херонеја) кога Грција беше конечно покорена. Македонската победа беше само првиот дел од планот на Филип, тој верувал дека комбинирана Македонско-Грчка војска би можела да ги порази моќните Персијци (Ова е мислење на еден дел од светските историчари што ја третираат оваа тематика, ама е недокажана претпоставка, и на нејзе и се спротивставени уште неколку од кои едната е во директна спротивност и вели дека всушност Филип Втори воопшто не сакал да се вмешува во расправиите и глупостите на грчките градови-државички туку со дипломатска активност и закани сакал да ги подјарми, а само со Персија да влегува во војна, ама за ова друг пат). Но тој не доживеа да го види ова да се оствари, Филип беше убиен од МАКЕДОНЕЦ во 336 год. п.н.е. и беше наследен од неговиот 20-годишен син Александар, кого историјата ќе го запамети како "Големиот". Александар го спроведе планот на својот татко за инвазија на Персија. Две години по смртта на Филип, Александар отпочна 10-годишна кампања што заврши со освојување на Персиската Империја. Кога достигна до 30-годишна возраст Александар веќе го имаше покорено најголемиот дел од познатиот свет, проширувајќи ја својата империја од Египет до Индија.
Како РИМ успеа да ја покори ГРЦИЈА?
Откако Александар Големиот почина во 323 год. п.н.е. неговите генерали ја поделија неговата империја во држави-наследнички, но Грција остана под МАКЕДОНСКА контрола. Иако Грците се бореа против војските на МАКЕДОНСКИТЕ кралеви постојано до 200-тата год. п.н.е., не успејаа да извојуваат независност, туку згора и сојузи од грчки градови-држави се бореа и меѓусебно."
Превод на потцртаното:
"Кога Рим ја покори МАКЕДОНИЈА во 197 год. п.н.е., Грција беше ослободена (од Македонско ропство). Педесет години подоцна, во 146 год. п.н.е., Грција беше покорена од Рим и беше поделена во провинции.
Кон крајот на Пунските Војни, во 146 год. п.н.е., Грција, МАКЕДОНИЈА, и Медитеранскиот брег на Шпанија и Африка беа ставени под Римска контрола."
Превод на потцртаното:
"Целиот регион на Палестина, вклучувајќи го и поранешното кралство Израел, подоцна падна под превласт на разни империи. Палестина го искуси владеењето на Асирците, Калдејците, Персијците, МАКЕДОНЦИТЕ под водство на Александар Големиот, и Римјаните (областа беше римска провинција со име Сирија во времето на Исус)."
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Sunday, December 11, 2011
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